Why we should care about leftovers

photo_remakeThe world is changing fast and software takes more and more a major part in our everyday life. As a result of software opening to the mass-market, the development and testing paradigms have evolved dramatically.
We are not anymore facing software developed by IT for IT, but software developed by IT for everyone (and especially for non-ITers that don’t know about IT and don’t even want to know about it).

Consequently, most of the quality attributes described in former ISO9126 or ISO25000 series (SQARE) utterly gain in importance.

My presentation will show how and why non-functional testing – which is nowadays in most cases considered as “the leftovers of testing”– will become central.

Based on real-life projects, videos and examples, I will show how usability and Ux design will matter in a growing IOT world; how the Uber-economy will transform the way we consider development and test (community or crowd development and testing); how the social economy will affect centralized software approaches (smart grids in smart cities); how interconnectivity and interoperability will be key to support and sustain this e-economy (XaaS, predictive delivery, big data); why security will even grow more than now and how demography might drastically influence our future developments.

Schemes (amongst which the new ISTQB portfolio) are already growing and developing so as to address those future challenges. But are we ready to take the leap?

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